Monday, December 19, 2011

What Am I?

--Yeah, I already posted this, months ago. But I revised it, and wanted it to be at the top so people would read the new version :) I have to keep revising this, because what I believe keeps changing. As I grow, so does my understanding of the world--
I am a Wiccan, and I am proud of it!
I was raised in a Baptist home, learning and living the word of God. I started reading about the Wicca 2 years ago, and something about it seemed...right.
I believe there is a supreme God and that he sent down Jesus as a messenger. I believe the Bible is full of made up stories, meant to be taken as lessons, not as actual occurrences. I believe nature should be protected, and that it is in itself magickal.
Yes, I believe in magick. If you ask, and you deserve, you will be given. Natural health (physical and mental) remedies do work, on a medical level. Preforming spells and such bring a sort of peace to me, and they are used to bring good things to the world. Black magick has nothing to do with Wicca.
My Goddess (or God. Truly, I use them interchangably. Who is to say what sex he is?) is Libra, the Goddess of Balance. I believe everything is balanced. EVERYTHING. Nothing disturbs this balance. For everything good you see, there is something bad. For everything bad you see, there is something good. For every bad thing you do, you are punished and must to something good to makeup for it and restore balance inside you. For every good thing you do you are rewarded, and makes up for bad things you have done/inevitably will do. Light and Darkness aren't at war with one another. They are Sisters, both working in perfect harmony to keep our world working. Notice, Libra's simble is the scales. The world, and our lives, is balanced, like a set of scales. Too much good, and we tip over. Too much bad and we tip over. There must always be balance, or there is only chaos.
All people are equal; all people are equally good and bad. All people are essentially good, only influenced by the temptation of the devil. The only time we can be ourselves and be the basically good people we are is when admitted into heaven. I don't believe in a hell. If we are all made in God's image, why would we be evil? Why would God make a being that is all evil? No. We are balanced on earth. The only way Earth and Life can work is if there is Balance. When we die, we leave Earth and go somewhere else. We go to Heaven, where there doesn't need to be balance for it to work. There is only good. That is why our souls are perfect and pure. No one can ever taint his soul. If you do something bad, you are punished on Earth. Simple as that.
So, why aren't we all sitting around a table in Heaven right now? Why must we live on Earth before we go to Heaven? Well...ask God. I haven't died yet, so I don't know all the answers.
It is my theory that we are all on Earth to both learn a lesson and complete our mission. The mission we must complete in order to teach the lesson to others. The lesson is perhaps simply so that we become wiser.
So, if we are perfect, why does there need the be a God? Well, someone has to be in charge.
Your soul is a wonderful, perfect thing that will one day be accepted into Heaven. Dying isn't a punishment for doing something wrong, it is natural. It's God saying you did your part. Heaven is the reward! I don't cry when people I know die, I didn't cry when my dad died. I was happy! And yes, people avoid me and call me crazy when I tell them I'm happy when people die. But it's true! They completed their mission and now get to go Home! How could I be sad about that? Sure, I don't get to see them anymore. But I will some day.
I am proud to be considered a Wiccan and a Pagan!  I don't care what anyone else believes. As long as your happy, believe what you will. I'm not out to convert people to what I believe, and I certainly don't wish to be converted to another religion.
Be proud in what you believe.

Falling Into Me

I am falling, and there’s no one to save me.
The thrill seeking reader will read this as if I’m in danger. The romantic reader will read this as if I have found new love. Well, this is neither of those things.
I am falling, and there’s no one to save me; I don’t want to be saved.
This isn’t a thriller, romance, horror, fiction, historic fiction, or…well, anything like that. This is simply a plain and simple religious nut, writing about just how nutty she is becoming.
I am falling, and there’s no one to save me; I don’t want to be saved. I’m so happy with who I’m becoming!
Just what is it I’m becoming? I don’t know. I guess I will find out when I get there.
What am I now? Well…I’m nothing, and I’m everything.
I’m a Wiccan, through and through. I am everything, for I am Wiccan. Libra is everything thing, and so I am everything. I am nothing, for I am just one other soul working to learn her lessons in life; I will die, and I will be gone. For this, I am nothing, and yet, I am everything. I don’t care what anyone thinks about that. It is who I am; it is my path in life. My life is lit by the Goddess inside me.
God…Goddess…I use them interchangeably. I am monotheistic, I just don’t place sex on my God; he is neither. He is the ultimate Soul; he is the Balance by which all things are kept together, he just is.
When people ask me who I worship, I tell them “the male persona of the personified Libra”. Try saying that five times fast… It’s the easiest way to try to describe what I believe to an outsider. Truly, I just believe what I see. I see balance everywhere. I see Libra everywhere. (Libra is Balance, by the way). I don’t really know what to say when it comes to worship. Libra is my God, and I am devoted to what I believe and what I am meant to be doing in my life. But…worship? That sounds far too Christian. Christian’s follow a strict set of rules that shut them out from their Home and their God; they portray their God as being petty and…I just don’t like it. I’m not perfect, and I don’t want to have to try to be. I just want to be me. Wicca lets me be me.
Honestly…that’s all I want.
Wicca isn't just a religion. It's a way of thinking, and a way of life. Wicca is a very harmonious, peaceful, and balanced way of thinking and living. It allows free thinking and free living. Wiccans do not believe they will be sent to a fiery hell if they have sex before marriage (or some other "sin"). It is up to the Wiccan to decide if it is morally wrong or not. And if she or he has hurt someone, then they will be duly punished in life. Not death.
Wicca incorporated a lot of appreciation towards the wonders of nature, such as animals, flowers, and etc. People who follow the Wiccan way also learn the knowledge of witchcraft, and use it in a practical way. Witchcraft is about healing, and bringing love, happiness, and peace to the world.
Not so long ago, Wiccans were hunted and persecuted by the Church, as part of making Christianity more popular. Wicca was subjected as the work of Satan by the Church, to keep people away from it. They placed the evil, mysterious, and generally worthy of wariness archetype upon witches and Wiccans (and really, and other Pagan). They did this in an attempt to convert everyone to their own religion.
Wicca is not about teaching people the truth. It's about finding your own truth, and allowing other's to find what makes them happy. It doesn't matter who's right, all that matters is that your happy in what you believe.
I'm proud to call myself a Wiccan, and a Pagan. I'm very proud! :)

Blessed Be