Monday, August 1, 2011

Random Thoughts

Tolerance isn't exactly the word I am looking for...but I am not sure what that word is. This post sort of ties in with my post "Freedom!". I do not believe in judging people or their actions. I do not believe in judging religions either. I am not God, therefore I do NOT know all things. Who says I am right in my religion? It is not to be known until the day I die, if then.
This person puts it nicely, even though I do not necessarily agree with everything said:
"My name is D and I am a….hmm….well, that’s the million dollar question, isn’t it? I know that I have a lot of pagan in me, and I think I am moving in a witchy way. However, I have much deep respect and love for prophets/messiahs of other religions. I was raised Christian and a part of me will never lose my faith in Jesus. So how can I be pagan and Christian?
Darned if I know. Its just what happened, I guess.
Briefly, the way I look at the world is that God is great and mysterious and also not only male. The easiest way to view that is to break God into God and Godess. Jesus, Buddha, Mohammed and the rest were sent here by God/Goddess to help us find our way back to the original Source.
Now, because God and Goddess are infinte, our little human minds need to break them down farther, into a size that we can understand. Hence, the many pantheons of dieties, all with their own attributes and wisdom, but all generated from the same Source. That God/Goddess from which we as well, sparked off from.
So all Gods are one God, and my Goddess is the One as well. And all of us are chips of light from the same source.
Lately I feel a strong pull towards Goddess energy. I want to find a way to relate to the female spirituality that absolutely MUST be there (somewhere!), and in the process maybe learn a little about myself."

I think this is worded wonderfully! Again, I do not necessarily agree with all of it, but it is a great example of the level of tolerance one must have! And the parts about the break down of God is rather intriguing. Psychologically, it makes sense. This is probably were religion stemmed from, and that is how we came to believe what we believe. The problem in this break down is we forget the "All made up of one central God" part. We get to caught up in being right, and from there comes pain and hate.
The part about Jesus and the others being sent as messengers from God is valid. They are sent to us to teach us how to find the Truth. Other Gods and Goddesses that are worshipped (in many Pagan religions) are just names for natural things. Such as the Goddess of Air. People give thanks to them, instead of thanking the being who made them. I don't worship other Gods or Goddesses, just my God.

The first thing I posted outlined my beliefs. I mentioned that I do not believe in Magick, which is true. Than I started using the word magick a lot. Perhaps I should clear that up a bit. I do not believe in reading peoples future, or levitating people, or summoning ghosts, or anything silly like that. Those are scams. I do believe in Magick though. If you apply enough will power, concentration, and visualization to something, anything can happen. Magick is all around us! It is the things science can't explain. Sure, they have theories to how the universe formed. But they don't know WHY. They have theories about evolution, but they don't know WHY it ended up or started a certain way. They don't even know how cells made the jump from non living to living! It's all Magick! Magick is a word I use for the things God does and what God helps us do. We can preform Magick, though we will never be any were close to as powerful as God! It all just takes learning, practice, and mental strength.

Sex. It is fun and useful. (I am a virgin, so I am assuming it is fun. I wouldn't know, and I plan to keep it that way.) I do not think sex before marriage is bad. The church tells us this, and it has tied into society as a common belief, because it IS bad. For the simple reason that you could get pregnant! If you get pregnant and your not married, he could leave you and you would have to raise the kid by yourself. It's just not a good idea. Your not going to go to hell for it though...

Well, that's enough random thoughts for tonight!

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