Tuesday, August 2, 2011


I am a strict vegan. This means no meat, no eggs, and no dairy. I am also lactose intolerant, so definatly no milk! I also prefer to eat foods that are gluten free, sugar free, fat free, low calerie, and high in good-for-you stuff! Yes, I am a real health nut. Nothing makes a person feel great like healthy food! A lot of people think it's complicated to eat healthy, or that you would be giving up taste, but that is not true! Here are a few recipes that are super good for you, and super tasty! (Well, some of them I havn't tried yet, but they sound good and I do plan on trying them!) Some of the recipes are from my own cook book, but some of the are from http://allrecipes.com/Recipes/healthy-recipes/gluten-free/main.aspx

Gluten-free peanut butter cookies, yummmyyy!! :D Eating nuts tends to make me feel a bit sick, sense they tend to be somethered in salt (I can't have much sodium, it makes me realy sick). And recently, I got braces. So no nuts for me! But I have always loved peanut butter cookies! Here is a great recipe for healthy peanut butter cookies, super tastey and a great way to get some energy and protein in the middle of the day!
2 cups organic peanut butter
2 cups organic rapadura (powdered sugar cane juice. its yummy, but you can use any subsitute for white sugar, substituting 2 cups)
1 cup mashed organic banana (or your chosen egg substitute, substituting 4eggs)
2 cups gluten-free, dairy-free, sugar-free, soy-free, vegan chocolate chips (http://thefrugallyrichlife.wordpress.com/2010/03/26/gf-gluten-free-dairy-free-sugar-free-vegan-homemade-frugal-chocolate-chips/) optional
1) preheat over to 350 degrees. grease cookie sheet
2) combine peanut butter, egg substitute, and sugar substitute and mix until smooth. mix in the chocolate chips, if desired. spoon dough by tablespoons onto cookie sheet (depending on what you use, the dough might be oily, but thats okay)
3) bake for 10-12 minutes, or until lightly browned. let the cookies cool for about 5-10 minutes before transfering to a dish. (depending on what you use, they may cook dramaticly faster/slower than 10-12 minutes! I recomend watching closely!)
This taste OMG SUPER YUMMYLICOUS!! I made a batch of them for a friends birthday party (she isn't a vegan btw), and didn't tell her they were so healthy. She is always avoiding my vegan meals, becouse she thinks vegan food is nasty. She tasted one, and immediatly fell in LOVE! When I told her they were vegan and gluten free (and dairy-free, mostly sugar-free and soy-free) she absolutely denied the possibility!

Florentine Artichoke Dip sounds realy good! I have never had it, but I love artichokes! http://allrecipes.com/recipe/florentine-artichoke-dip/detail.aspx Substitutions: make sure everything is organic, use vegenaise (http://www.followyourheart.com/) or some other mayo substitute, cream cheese substitute (http://veganbits.com/cream-cheese-alternative/), and cheese alternative (http://www.veganstore.com/product/960/vegan-cheese-and-dairy-alternatives)

By now your probably thinking "wow...that's a lot of trouble just for healthy food!" Well, fine, be that way. I could preach on and on about how wrong it is to harm animals, how icky it is to eat animal products, or even about how much more yummy these substitutes taste! But I won't. I only have 3 words that make it all worth while, and made my friend decide to become a vegan. 3 little words. 20. Inch. Waist. My cousin wore a size 4XL, switched to eating vegan, and now (1 year later, though I don't recall how fast she lost the weight) she has a 20 INCH WAIST. Trust me, the time and extra money is worth it!
Here are some more recipes, some I have had and realy love! Go to this sight (http://www.veganstore.com/category/vegan-food-items) to get ideas for substitutes, but they may not have every substitute. I trust you know what should be substituted (anything diary, meat, or egg)
http://allrecipes.com/Recipe/Gluten-Free-Ginger-Honey-Crunch/Detail.aspx (I made this for my brother has a snack while he was at ROTC camp, he LOVED it!)
Happy Eating! :D

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