Monday, August 1, 2011


Recently, a friend of mine called me a witch. He said it as if it were a curse word, and told me I would go to hell for my beliefs. It made me upset, and I ended up crying for hours. He is…was my best friend, and it kills me to know that he would rather avoid and hate me than accept what I believe.
How can this be good? He claims he is doing what God teaches him. How is that true? Tell where it says in the bible that we are to judge people and hate them for not following us? That’s right, it doesn’t. And yet, it happens so very frequently.
In the bible, Jesus tells us to reject those that hold the keys to Heaven and do not enter and do not allow us to enter. He is telling us to reject the restrictions and rules that greedy power-hungry priests of older time put on Heaven. There are no restrictions, all are admitted.
I have been told that Wiccans and witches will be sent to Hell. That doesn’t make sense. Not only are we made in God’s image, therefor making our souls perfect and pure, but it also seems rather petty. Why would God be so petty and narrow-minded? He isn’t.
In history class, you learn about the Catholic Church and their many fights for power. They ruled the laws and lives of the people, persecuted those that didn’t follow their church, and even went to war against other religions! Tell me; where in the bible does it say to do THAT?? It doesn’t.
Christianity, and therefor baptism, is derived from the Catholic Church. Because of everything the Catholic Church has done, certain things have become common in religion that shouldn’t be. If you were to sit down and read the Bible, and not be afraid of who would tell you that you were wrong, and actually translate it for yourself, you would be surprised at how different it seems.
My grandmother used to tell me all the time, “The Bible is an ever changing book, it changes for each person that reads it and for each person it changes for what they need to hear.” At the time, I was about 4 or 5 and thought she meant the book literally changed what it said. Now I know that she meant the book reads different for every person, which is completely true.
A few months ago, before he found out about my religion and blew up, my friend invited me to go to his church. He was always trying to get me to go to church with him, and I was always declining. It was just weird for me. I couldn’t understand why I had to sit in a building and listen to a normal human, who is no godlier than I; tell me what the Bible is meant to say. It didn’t make sense, and it always made me feel bad afterward.
I believe you can worship God, on your own, in your own home. You don’t need to go to church. “Going to church makes you no more Christian than standing in a garage makes you a car”. This works both ways. A priest will tell you differently, I am sure. But it isn’t his/her fault; the restrictions of God’s love have been drilled into society for years. That doesn’t make it true or right. I don’t go to church, because I believe the ultimate and total truth is placed within your heart. You have to listen to the word of God on your own, and read it for what it is for you. It WILL NOT read the same for every person! We are NOT all the same, so why would it read the same for us all?
My friend was wrong, and he hurt me in what he did. I wish he could let go of the fear of persecution that has been drilled into his mind, and learn to find his own truth. This is what Jesus was telling everyone, that we must all let go of the teachings of our parents at some time and learn to find our own truth. The truth isn’t the same for every person.
God isn’t a closed minded, shallow, petty being, so why should we be?

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