Sunday, July 31, 2011

Baby of Mine

Babies, one of Gods greater gifts! Sure, it takes a lot of hard work and pain to get them here, but they are so worth it. I personally do not have children, as I am 14 years old. But I have always loved children! I suppose it comes from having two little brothers and spending a great amount of time helping to raise them.
As a lot of girls my age, I do want children some day. And I know what I shall name them! I want two twin girls (I know, I know, 'Your just a kid! Your gonna change your mind when you actually grow up and deal with them!') named Jasmine Alain Garcia _____ and Juliet Elizabeth Lilieth ____. (The blanks are, of course, in place of the last names). Yes, my future children will have 2 middles names. I just really like the sound of them.
Bab's Breath, the flower to the left, is a symbol of everlasting love. It is a symbol of the psychiatric connection between a new bother and her new born child/children. (The flower for the connection between a mother and her unborn child is different, and a blog post for another day.) Baby's breath can be placed next to a burning virgin white candle for ease of labor and a healthy birth. (But the baby's breath should NOT be burned! Burning baby's breath can signify early death to newborns and extremely hard labor!) For this particular spell, place a virgin white candle on silver candle dish (real silver must be used, or something plain and white or silver looking. Clear glass can be used, but real silver is more powerful). Dress the candle with oil, in the proper manner ( (I find carrot and lavender oil used together to be recommended, but any oil will do.) Lightly carve your child's/childrens' initials into the candle stick (real silver intensifies magick, keep this in mind). Bath the babies breath in crystal clear water (water that has been bathed in moon light for an entire lunar cycle is most powerful, but not necessary), emerging it completely and swirling it around the bowl (light coloured wood desirable) counter clockwise 9 times. Place the baby's breath on the dish with the candle. Light the candle wick and let it burn all the way down. It is advised that the candle be watched in some fashion to be sure the baby's breath doesn't catch fire nor the candle tip over, but it is your choice.
Another spell, not involving candles, that you can do to protect your newborn child involves blending various oils for a desired affect. I recommend blending equal amounts of bay oil, black pepper oil, and cedar wood oil in a light wood bowl, 9 times counter clockwise. With the tips of the index and middle finger, dab a substantial amount at the wrists, between the brows, and over the chest of the young child. That particular oil blend is for protection against all negative energy forms, increased alertness and courage, and attraction of power pride beauty strength and prosperity. Different oils can be used, but be sure you know what the oils are meant to do ( While blending and applying, will what you want to happen. The more will power, concentration, and mental visualization you use, the more powerful the spell. This spell is recommend to be done while the child is sleeping, and is more powerful if done by the mother or the mothering figure. (I used this spell on my brother when he was 3, and I do not know what the health risks of performing this on a newborn or infant would be. I would ask your doctor what harm these oils might do to a baby. A babies skin and over all healthy is very fragile, so take precautions, please!)
The same spell can be performed on a pregnant woman, for the benefit of the unborn child, with slight variations. Chose three oils (I didn't mention above, but three is ideal. Too many and the signals could get confused), and make sure you know what they are meant to do. Place a drop or two of one oil on your index finger, a drop or two of another oil on your middle finger, and so on. Do not blend the oils before hand. Place the finger tips on the belly of the pregnant woman, and move your hands 6 times in a counter clockwise motion to blend the oils. During the whole process, chant in your head (or out loud if you choose) what the desired result is. (For example, using bay, camphor, and citrus:"protection, harmony, psychic, harmony, psychic power...", you see my point? You want to chant the saying 6 times in time with the blending of oils). Remember, the more will power, concentration, and mental visualization used, the more powerful the spell. This spell is most powerful if done by the pregnant woman herself, or the unborn babies father.
One of the most important things to remember in performing Magick, is to follow your instincts. That gut feeling you get, yeah it's important. Listen to it! If you reach for citrus oil at the store, and your gut tells you to go for bay, guess what you should get? Yep, that's right, bay. The most pure and powerful form of Magick is in the soul, and your soul is where your instincts come from. So listen to your instincts, they tend to be right. (Truly, the only time my instincts have stirred me wrong would be if I was sick, distracted, or confused instincts with greed.)

Wearing baby's breath in the hair or near the heart sends positive energy to the wearers child/children, especially if the child/children is/are on the wearers mind.

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